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Ryan Swanson, along with his wonderful wife, Stephanie, are the founders of Satisfied Ministries and developers of the Cord App. Since their marriage in 2021, they've been on a journey to rescue lives ensnared by lust - helping believers learn to be less gratified, and more satisfied with Jesus Christ.

The Swansons are based out of Fellowship Baptist Church in Taylors, SC - where they previously spent two years as youth and music assistants.


Ryan's personal journey is one marked by Christ's transformation. After battling a porn addiction for twelve years, he was driven to a point of utter desperation just a year before his marriage. In those days of fervent prayer the Lord made Himself real to Ryan and led him on a pathway of freedom from the bondage. 

Since then, Ryan and Stephanie started Satisfied Ministries to help others who are ensnared in lust, and point them to a freeing and satisfying life in Christ. Through evangelistic preaching and personal counseling, the Swansons are committed to partnering with local churches toward this end.


To get personal help from the Swansons, or to set up a meeting or seminar in your church, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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